Dear Sir or Madam,
The Association of Polish Communes of Euroregion Baltic, as Lead Partner of UMBRELLA project – Boosting cross-border cooperation capacities for local actors in the South Baltic Sea, co-financed by the INTERREG VA Poland- Denmark- Germany- Lithuania – Sweden program (South Baltic) 2014 – 2020, is looking for a professional willing take over the role of project manager for the period January- July 2020.
The project manager would be in charge of the following:
– WP1 of the application form (internal project coordination, organization and conduction of partner meetings and online meetings, project quality evaluation and progress reporting);
– budget control;
– general management concerning: internal and external communication flow, definition of contents and organization of project’s events, meetings, conferences;
– ensure the timely execution of project activities;
– guarantee outputs delivery and the achievement of project outcomes;
– preparation of final report of the project;
– maintain contact with the Interreg South Baltic Programme’s Joint Secretariat and Contact Points.
Interested experts should fulfil the following requirements:
– Have a university degree;
– Have at least 2 years of professional experience (following the award of the university degree) acquired in the project management position;
– Have proven experience in international cooperation;
– Be fluent in speaking, reading and writing in English (at least C1 level);
– Being acquainted of relevant programme documents of the Interreg South Baltic Programme
Applicants should also dispose of expertise on cross-cutting issues such as:
– Transnational and cross-border cooperation;
– Transnational and cross-border project management and budgetary issues
– Administration, management
– Exploitation of project results, dissemination, communication, capitalisation and knowledge transfer
This call for experts is part of an EU Interreg project and therefore minimum 3 potential consultants are asked to respond to the bidding.
Please, send your Curriculum Vitae and submit a price offer in PLN or EUR in electronic version (signed scan) to Magda Leszczyna-Rzucidło at the following address:magda.rzucidlo@euroregionbaltic.eu
Deadline: 31.12.2019
N.B. Prices can be expressed both as a hourly rate (in this case, please note we calculate the time spent on the project for 120 h/month) or as a monthly amount.
Information about the UMBRELLA project is available on the following websites: http://umbrellaproject.eu/ and http://www.eurobalt.org/
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions
Magda Leszczyna-Rzucidło Head of ERB International Permanent Secretariat |
T: +48 55 611 20 02 | M: +48 606 873 522 |
E: magda.rzucidlo@euroregionbaltic.eu | W: www.eurobalt.org |
Tags: call, PM, Umbrella project