Umbrella 2.0 Partners – Euroregion Baltic, Union of the Baltic and the Baltic Sea States Subregional Cooperation are glad to present the draft agenda for the Awareness Raising Event promoting Baltic Sea cooperation scheduled for 27th April.
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Thanks to the support of the Swedish Institute, Umbrella 2.0 project partners – Euroregion Baltic, Union of the Baltic Cities and BSSSC are planning to organise in 2021 a couple of events targeting the “newcomers” and bottom-up actors in the Baltic Sea Region.
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Dear Umbrella Partners and Beneficiaries,
We are more than happy to say, that our UMBRELLA Interreg South Baltic Programme project final conference was a great success. Over 100 people joined us online via ZOOM webinar to hear about our project results, to learn about the EUSBSR, SDGs and EU Green Deal, but also to discuss the future cooperation possibilities in the MFF 2021-2027.
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Time to sum up our Umbrella project in figures!
Did you know that… 
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Dear Sir or Madam,
The Association of Polish Communes of Euroregion Baltic, as Lead Partner of UMBRELLA project – Boosting cross-border cooperation capacities for local actors in the South Baltic Sea, co-financed by the INTERREG VA Poland- Denmark- Germany- Lithuania – Sweden program (South Baltic) 2014 – 2020, is looking for a professional willing take over the role of project manager for the period January- July 2020.
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