Umbrella project

Objectives & Benefits


What do we want to do

01. Picture of possible stakeholders in the UMBRELLA project

02. Picture of possible stakeholders in the UMBRELLA project
Newcomers in the South Baltic Programme (SBP) that, in general, have never been involved in cross-border cooperation (CBC) networks and entities interested in forming a South Baltic Identity.

03. Creation of three ideal groups to be treated with tailor-made solutions



The primary objective is to attract and involve them in the CBC networks, teach them how to move the first steps in CBC and help them overpassing their barriers (language, capacity and competencies, bureaucracy, networking, knowledge exchange).



They consulted the Contact Points of the South Baltic Programme, but finally they did not apply for funds. Probably their main barriers consist of lack of English skills, insufficient institutional and financial capacities, lack of competences in project management. The primary objective here will be to: detect what their priorities, their field of interest, the barriers that impeded them actually to apply for grants.



Organizations that are well established in the cross-border cooperation networks. They will have the possibility to be involved in those UMBRELLA’s activities devoted to making local actors to meet and to harvest new ideas and to connect to new networks.


Three groups, three objectives

We effectively support all three groups in achieving their goals


Awareness raising event


Possible stakeholders. They can be newcomers in cross-border cooperation, small local and regional authorities who aim at strengthening a South Baltic Identity.


  • Participation of “historical” representatives of cross-border collaboration on the Baltic Sea Region (experienced project managers, politicians, etc.)
  • Inspiration talks.
  • Overview of past and currents CBC projects in different EU programmes like INTERREG Baltic Sea, Erasmus +, Europe for Citizens and others
  • Cultural evenings and other “aggregation” activities (networking, getting to know each other)
  • Study visit.
  • UMBRELLA’s offer: concrete opportunities for local and regional organizations to increase their capacity building


Poland, Sweden & Denmark


  • To raise awareness among the stakeholders on cross-border cooperation, EU Grants, Initiatives, Opportunities in the Baltic Sea Region
  • To sensitize participants on topics related to sustainable development to engage them in new related actions and projects


National trainings


All the three groups (Newcomers, Intermediates, Experts) with different approaches, contents, focus according to their level of experience in cross-border cooperation.


Trainings will be organized in the manner to respond to the specific requirements, problems and barriers in every region covered. Practices will be held in national languages, in groups of 15 to 25 people.


Poland, Lithuania, Denmark, Sweden


The objective is to train potential project developers with the intense focus on newcomers and support them in their projects development.


Training for trainers


Training of Trainers will be organised to prepare each project partner (PP) to conduct national trainings in order to increase capacity that will allow for further development of cross-border projects and to transfer the knowledge to all other organisations working in the field of supporting project partnerships in the preparation phase of the projects to be submitted by SBP (or other European Territorial Cooperation - ETC - programmes).


Poland, Lithuania, Denmark, Sweden




Beneficiaries interested in relevant cooperation areas.


The project will launch a specially designed set of activities to finance micro-activities for beneficiaries to help them better understand the added value of cross-border cooperation. Project partners will manage the funds to finance the activities of the beneficiaries including travel and accommodation, face-to-face meeting, rental of experts etc. The goal of the micro-activities would be to simulate real-life cross-border projects yet with little to no administrative or financial burdens on the beneficiaries.

Activities: study visits, conferences, reports on particular aspects of cooperation.


Poland, Lithuania, Sweden, Denmark


Those micro-activities will aim to create dedicated cross-border networks in specific areas. Beneficiaries of the micro-activities will be able to use the knowledge, expertise and experience gained during the implementation, to later submit full-scale or small-scale applications to the regular SBP or other ETC funds calls.


Cross-border workshop &
“Rent-an-expert” service


Beneficiaries that have identified relevant themes or concrete ideas for the development of projects within the SBP or other ETC programmes


The workshops will have both panel sessions as well as discussion sessions in smaller groups for a better interaction possibilities. Such smaller groups will discuss topics like active communication between beneficiaries, project proposals, in the form of one-page summary.

The presented projectdeas will be assessed by experts’ panel that will give direct feedback and suggestions for the next steps in the project preparation. Finally, selected projects will be able to receive support from the “rent-an-expert” facility, to finalise applications to be submitted to SBP or other ETC programmes.


Poland, Lithuania, Sweden, Denmark


The participation in cross-border workshops will prepare potential beneficiaries for concrete cooperation in joint projects. Participants will be profiled and grouped thematically.


Cross-border conferences with PA panel


Beneficiaries interested in specific topics


Selected beneficiaries grouped around their Policy Area/Horizontal Area will be informed of future project steps, activities and will meet with experts from their PA/HA for the 1st time. The conferences will have both panel sessions as well as discussion sessions in smaller groups for a better interaction possibilities.


Sweden, Denmark, Poland


The participation in cross-border workshops with PA panels will provide beneficiaries with relevant information in a specific thematic areas for the preparation of future project applications.

The content of this website is the sole responsibility of the author and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union, the Managing Authority or the Joint Secretariat of the South Baltic Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020. The project UMBRELLA is partly financed from the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014-2020 through the European Regional Development Fund.
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