Our 4th and the last training on International Project Management will take place on 28th Jan 2022.
Posted in Beneficiaries, News.
Our 4th and the last training on International Project Management will take place on 28th Jan 2022.
The Training on European Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR) within the ”UMBRELLA 2.0” project took place online on November 9th, gathering around 60 participants coming from UBC Member Cities, Civil Society, Business and Academia across the Baltic Sea Region.
The overall aim of the training was to make participants familiar with the structure and opportunities within the EUSBSR and prepare them to become active players in different EUSBSR flagships or policy areas.
During the interactive course of 6 hours, experts from UBC, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania, Association of Polish Communes Euroregion Baltic and the Swedish Institute provided fresh updates about the strategy, macroregional cooperation and potential funding opportunities through programme schemes such as Interreg, European Regional Development Fund, Horizon Europe, Erasmus +, European Social Fund Plus.
”UMBRELLA 2.0-Boosting transnational cooperation capacities for multilevel actors in the Baltic Sea Region” goal is to increase awareness and knowledge of transnational cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region. Project partners are the Association of Polish Communes Euroregion Baltic (ERB), the Union of the Baltic Cities (UBC) and the Baltic Sea States Subregional Cooperation (BSSSC) – Associated partner.
You can now download from here the training material we developed in the Umbrella project framework for South Baltic beneficiaries.
Posted in Beneficiaries, News.
Register for the final training on transnational project management in Lithuania! Let’s meet in Nida for a day full of information and great cooperation possibilities!
Posted in Beneficiaries, News.
In the Umbrella project framework, we organized this month another seminars and training on project management. The meetings on 28th Nov in Gdansk, 5th Dec in Kalmar, Sweden and on 10th Dec in Klaipeda, Lithuania.
Another #UMBRELLA micro activity, this time we had youth representatives from NGOs and municipalities from Poland, Denmark, Sweden and Kaliningrad Region working together on their youth exchange project application.
All Swedish regional stakeholder are welcome to join #UMBRELLA project development training. We will meet for an all-day training session on 5th Dec in Kalmar, Sweden.
Join us for the Umbrella project management training in Telsiai on 22nd November 2019.
Sign up to take part in free of charge trainings organized by the UMBRELLA project partners in Sweden, Poland, Lithuania and Denmark. They will be held in national languages.
Decide whether you would like to participate in a beginner or advanced course, or both.
Posted in Beneficiaries, News.
3 trainings per country in Sweden, Poland, Denmark and Lithuania in national languages.
Available material in project management covering different levels of knowledge spendable both for EU funded projects but also for general project management.