UMBRELLA and SB PIN project joint project development workshop in Lund
Between 5-7th February 2019 project partners from Poland, Sweden, Lithuania and Denmark, as well as the beneficiaries from the Interreg South Baltic SB PIN and UMBRELLA projects met in Lund (Sweden). Over 40 participants took part in the SB PIN project final event named “Continuation Workshop” organized in the premises of Kommunförbundet Skåne.
The workshop summarized two years of project implementation; the effects of six workshops that were held in Poland, Denmark and Sweden were discussed; plans for the future and further cooperation were established. With the help of UMBRELLA project, we created an added-value by inviting UMBRELLA experts assessing project ideas and helping the participants to create new project initiatives.
On the first day, the participants were welcomed by the mayor of the city of Lund, followed by a presentation on two Interreg SB projects – SB PIN and UMBRELLA.
On the next day, new cooperation ideas were collected and discussed. During the workshop, Dr Anamaria Dutceac Degesten from the University of Lund presented the differences, similarities and opportunities of joint actions between Denmark, Sweden and Poland, followed with workshops aiming specific topics like green growth, blue growth and inclusive growth. All the ideas were immediately assessed by the UMBRELLA experts who were also directing them to the most suitable funding opportunities and programmes.
Do you have your own project idea related to the Baltic Sea regional cooperation you would like to share with us? We could help with the professional assessment by our Experts, inform you about the available funding possibilities, search for the project partners etc.
Send us an email: valentina.scandola@euroregionbaltic.eu or magda@biser.org.pl
Tags: capacity building, event, Interreg, project, project development, SouthBaltic, Sweden, Umbrella, workshop