Invitation for the Cross-border conferences on the future of Interreg South Baltic Programme
Dear UMBRELLA project beneficiaries,
On behalf of the Association of Polish Communes Euroregion Baltic as Lead Partner of Umbrella Project and on behalf of the whole project partnership,
We’d like to invite you to take part in a focus group discussion, a ‘group interview’ whose scope would be to consult relevant stakeholders who could valuably contribute in the consultation to build up the priorities of the new INTERREG South Baltic programming period 2021-2027.
The discussions will be conducted online- in groups of maximum 15 people- in a friendly and informal environment with the aim to collect honest opinions, new ideas, needs from the stakeholders on the topics below.
Platform: ZOOM. A link for the participation will be sent to you in advance
TITLE: Building civil & inclusive society
Umbrella partner responsible: Pomorskie in the EU Association (PL)
Moderator: Jens Masuch
DATE: 19th Nov 2020
Main areas to investigate:
- Citizen engagement
- More inclusive Interreg projects
- Civil education
- New and upgraded tools for citizen engagement
Title: Blue and green growth
Umbrella partner responsible: Kalmar Region (SE)
Moderator: Jens Masuch
DATE: 5th November 2020
Main objectives to investigate:
- Promoting sustainable water management
- New and upgrades capacity for waste water
- Biodiversity
- Circular economy
Title: Energy transition/Connectivity
Partner responsible: Klaipeda University
Moderator: Kristina Koebe
DATE: 9th November 2020 15.00 – 17.00 CET
Main areas to investigate:
- Fossil fuel free transport sector – need for energy storage possibilities.
- Production of renewable energy and solutions
- Improved structures for varied and broadened access to renewable energy
- Need to strengthen power grids for smart energy usage due to electrification of vehicles
- Combat and mitigate climate changes
Title: Sustainable & innovative tourism
Partner responsible: Guldborgsund Municipality (DK)
Moderator: Jens Masuch
DATE: 10th Nov 2020 11.00-13.00 CET
Main areas to investigate
- Sustainable tourism
- Digitalisation in tourism
- Competence development in tourism
- Cultural heritage
- Cultural cooperation
- Questions and/or other material will be sent in advance to the participants in advance to the participants
- Remember that “Everyone’s contribution is important”. So, get involved!
- The moderator will write a report of the main findings that will be shared with the Interreg South Baltic Programme Joint Secretariat and Joint Programming Committee members working on the new Interreg South Baltic Programme for 2021-2027
- Publication: the report and a recording of the webinar will be made available on Moodle platform- on enrolment in the section dedicated.
Hope that this initiative is of interest to you, we hope to see you soon online and we thank you in advance for your kind contribution.
Kind regards
Umbrella team
Tags: CBC, conference, Cross-border cooperation, Umbrella webinar, webinar