To fill the gap left after the Umbrella project in the cross-border cooperation, waiting for new financing in the EU programming period 2021-2027, Euroregion Baltic realized the Umbrella project’s success in the process of capacity building initiated in 2018 could not be stopped. For this reason, the so-called Umbrella 2.0 proposal was presented to the Swedish Institute as a natural consequence of the Umbrella Project (SBP) and its willingness to become a recognized brand, active also on a broader Baltic Sea scale.
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Welcome to the training session about the EUSBSR on 9th November 2021 at 9.30-15.15 CET, Online.
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Welcome to the training session about the EUSBSR on 9th November 2021 at 9.30-15.15 CET, Online. The event will be organised by the Umbrella 2.0 partner – Union of the Baltic Cities.
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Umbrella 2.0 launches its first event to raise awareness on the current “hot topics in the Baltic Sea Region”.
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Thanks to the support of the Swedish Institute, Umbrella 2.0 project partners – Euroregion Baltic, Union of the Baltic Cities and BSSSC are planning to organise in 2021 a couple of events targeting the “newcomers” and bottom-up actors in the Baltic Sea Region.
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Time to sum up our Umbrella project in figures!
Did you know that… 
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Dear UMBRELLA project beneficiaries,
On behalf of the Association of Polish Communes Euroregion Baltic as Lead Partner of Umbrella Project and on behalf of the whole project partnership,
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New activities coming soon!
If you’re interested in the elaboration of Interreg South Baltic Programme Strategy, its future Priority Axes and Specific Objectives for the programming process of the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2021-2027, please let us know.
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