The South Baltic success story #10 – SB Bridge
We are coming back with another share of great inspiration form the Interreg South Baltic Programme successful project! This month we would like to present the SB BRIDGE – Building bridges for green tech future project led by our Umbrella project partner – Klaipeda University!
SB BRIDGE – Building bridges for green tech future
SB Bridge project aims to boost interest for youth in greenfield as they are on a way to choose their future career path. In order to increase students’ interest in green technologies and innovation, the SB Bridge project organizes events, where participants individually and in teams are challenged with theoretical and practical tasks and tests, are asked to make prototypes of their bright ideas. Participants from 5 countries are solving problems that go beyond their regular school curriculum. Through innovative and youth-focused approaches, the organizers match skilled youngsters with SMEs within the SB region.
Project partners have selected thematic topics from green growth field and develop international green camps events according to chosen areas: Germany – Energy efficiency, Poland – Waste management, Denmark – Green building, Lithuania – Clean transportation and Sweden – Water management. Green technolympics, that are held in Lithuania and Denmark, have chosen thematic field – “5R” (reduce, reuse, refuse, replace, recycle).
Young people are also encouraged to participate in pilot traineeship and traineeship program, which gives the chance to find the right way to start work in successful green and blue economy companies and gain valuable experience. Moreover, constant business and youth collaboration is maintained.
The project also offers thematic study visits to companies, training for youth, prepared methodology material, knowledge IT platform and employment support in the field of green growth.
There is no planet B. Join the Green side!
All partnership, contacts
(Lead partner) Klaipeda University, Bijunu St. 17-103, Klaipeda University, LT-91225 Klaipeda, Lithuania
Rasa Viederyte +37060044312
ATI erc gGmbH, ATI erc gGmbH, Hagenower Str. 73, 19061 Schwerin, Germany
Steffi Groth +493853993770
County Administrative Board of Skåne, Södergatan 5, SE-205 15 Malmo, Sweden
Jörgen Dehlin +46102241000
Holbaek Municipality, Kanalstraede 2, 4300 Holbaek, Denmark
Jørgen Grubbe +4572363451
Gdansk entrepreneurial foundation, ul. Lęborska 3b, 80-386, Gdansk, Poland
Anna Malinowska +485873165820
Klaipėda ID, Sauliu str. 32-5, LT-92137 Klaipėda, Lithuania
Raimonda Masalskiene +37068753857
Target group
- Youth activists in green growth field, vocational school students and higher education students.
- Companies, actively doing business in green economy sectors
- Institutional stakeholders, focused on support of young professionals in their early carrier stage.
Tips & tricks box
As the topics on sustainability are becoming increasingly popular, it is crucial to educate youth about recent innovations in green growth and explain the commercial success in such type of companies. Social media channels like Facebook and Instagram can be used not only to inform the public about the events happening within SB Bridge project but also to share knowledge related to green growth.
Real-life examples have the power to make a significant impact. 21st-century youth are ready to leave their desks and explore how things work in reality. Providing opportunities to experiment and bringing examples from specific cases can be a great motivation for youth to be more involved in the green growth field. Nowadays youth are craving experiences over pure theory.
The key trick is to offer the target audience what business solutions are the most relevant in nowadays on a field of green growth. The thematic green camps and techolympics are designed to engage participants in new challenges while revealing more about the field itself and their individual abilities development.
There are plenty of directives and strategies at EU level on how to act in green growth field, but very low practical inclusive initiatives to formulate habits of youth at the initial stage of their early career. Thus, the project covers important role in non-formal education on green growth skills development.
Tags: Interreg South Baltic, Klaipeda University, project, project development, SouthBaltic, success story, Umbrella